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HITO 团体(女)- S.H.E.《我的电台FM S.H.E》(试听)

【Abstract】 Phospholipase C epsilon 1 gene(PLCE1) is a newly discovered C isoenzyme of phosphorus esterase,the structure of CDC25 and RA in its molecular structure is closely related to the small G protein of Ras family.PLCE1 mediates signal transduction after activation,regulate the expression of certain genes,regulate the growth and differentiation of cells.A single nucleotide polymorphism(rs2274223 A>G) in PLCE1 is currently one of the most studied of polymorphic cently discovered,PLCE1 and its gene polymorphism are associated with the occurrence of a variety of diseases such as tumor,nephrotic syndrome,heart disease and other diseases.

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